Teras Dunia

Manusia hidup karena kasih sayang..tidak ada daya upaya kecuali karena rahmat-Nya. Hidup adalah perjuangan, hidup adalah pelajaran. Maka ingat juga, Rasul menunggu di telaga, adinda menunggu di surga

Monday, February 27, 2006

Hard Work for Every Efforts

When the desire for giving as much as possible for the others come up, it doesn't necessarily means that everything will run as what we want. In fact, burdens still take big part in examining the purity of the desire and the strength of the efforts.

It also occur when I thought some activities I belong to will encourage myself for finally make me better and better. I do believe that those activities can provide me knowledge and maturing process which is needed as the basic element for being a 'uselful' person. Unfortunatelly, it is not as that simple. For engaging in some activities, actually there are also so many things which should be provided. Let say physical strength, mental stability, and fund availablelity. Those in fact are so hard for being reached, indeed for being combined in the same time and for more than one activites which ofcourse pursue our responsibility.

Now, I'm trying to understand that the efforts of me to enrich strength on physic, stability on mental, and ever ready money for all activities are the parts to reach the further goal which is spreading goodness for everyone.

Jogjakarta, 28 Pebruari 2006
Bukankah IVED guru yang entah keberapa?


At 5:44 AM, Blogger bintangkemenangan said...

Assalamu'alaikum Budi...
wah.. gimana lombanya? kayaknya ada banyak hikmah nih yang di dapat... Tetap survive ya..


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